The curious case of the younger workforce, provides for an amusing observation, wherein the CHROs are mulling on how to attract millennials. An Enterprise has two options, either fall in line with the new normal or fall by the wayside. This demographic has already surpassed Gen-X in the U.S. and would sooner than later change the way your offices look. So how to attract the trailblazers, who crave for challenging work-play scenarios?
Provided the HR knows which channels to exploit and the amount of visual Oomph to add, the answer isn’t that hard to find!
Every spec of the post that a company uploads, from statuses to Townhalls pictures, collectively mount the impression of the brand. Be that as it may, well-focused Facebook ads especially defining the age & gender specifications would be much advised. However, a myopic Twitter-Facebook-centric approach wouldn’t fetch the desired results. The 2 billion strong cohort, makes its presence felt on LinkedIn with 87 million profiles. Lay the bounty of openings on your pages & track prospective candidates (do it on a regular basis) to know when they are likely to make a switch. Tap into their ambivalence, before a promising candidate takes a call. Don’t forget Snapchat & Instagram!
Somethings gotta give if you need the best in line!
Flexibility is a top agenda for millennials. Allow the leverage of working from home. An additive for recruiting - HRs could introduce virtual tests for applicants, examining greater talent. Once on board, keep regular one-on-ones with the leaders so that harder, at the same time opportune, responsibilities could be entrusted on the right shoulders. With the likes of such measures in place, 52% of the millennials who discard company loyalty, are more likely to remain in the team a little while longer.
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