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Going Above and Beyond HR Leadership

While HR leaders in enterprises across the world number in the thousands, the primus inter
pares are the ones who contribute to their communities and profession

The answer to this question is not in the what, but in the how much, and to what length.

The primary differentiator between the good and the truly great has always been in the sustained contribution they’ve made, not only to their organizations, but also to their communities and the profession, right from the early stages of their careers.

The majority of senior HR professionals, HR business partners, and CHROs, while being highly efficient and competent enough to lead them in their organizations, seem to somehow fail to get the recognition and applaud that may from the outside, seem to be for a chosen few. But that is changing as the war for talent brings successful HR leadership to the fore of business strategy. The metamorphosis is not so subtle as the CHRO is rapid becomes crucial in board level business strategy and decision making. They negotiate successfully through adversity, gain cross domain exposure throughout their careers and focus more on life management and development for themselves and their organizations. Armed with a high business perception, and a deep, well-founded brand consciousness about themselves, HR leaders have gained significant ground over other leadership functions in businesses worldwide.

In a digitally transformed world, the CHRO is being increasingly looked at as a game changer. The primary growth driver in the competitive war-front that is the global economy today.

As business ownership increasingly turns to the CHRO as a strategic partner, common traits like business strategy, cross-departmental communication, bottom-line focus, and global experience becomes fairly obvious traits for the CHRO to possess, and are a given.

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