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  • LinkedIn users with 'diversity leaders' title rises by 100%!

    LinkedIn users with 'diversity leaders' title rises by 100%!

    News by Editorial Team 17 Sep 2020

    According to a recent report published on 2nd Sept, 2020, it was found that the number of LinkedIn users with the title ‘head of diversity’ has globally grown by 107% over the period of last five years. Further, it was also found that during the same time period individuals with the title ‘director of diversity’ increased by 75% and chief diversity officer titles increased by 68%. Globally, there has been an increase of about 71% in all diversity and inclusion (D&I) roles in the last five years.


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  • Circuit Court affirms payment for time spent at bag searches for Apple employees!

    Circuit Court affirms payment for time spent at bag searches for Apple employees!

    News by Editorial Team 16 Sep 2020

    In a recent decision ruled by a three-judge panel of the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals, it was affirmed by the court that Apple retail employees must be paid for their time that was spent in bag searches. The ruling stemmed from class action wage and hour claims that were brought by workers who alleged that the exit searches violated the state law. According to the employees the average time they spent on these searches ranged from five to 20 minutes and as much as 45 minutes – depending on the availability of manager or security guard. The employees were required to clock out before the searches and were not paid for the time spent in the searches.


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  • Trump's $300 unemployment benefit not applicable to all workers!

    Trump's $300 unemployment benefit not applicable to all workers!

    News by Editorial Team 16 Sep 2020

    The Lost Wages Assistance program created by the Trump administration came with lots of limitations and restrictions. The program offered up to six weeks of $300 payments to supplement unemployment benefits. But there are hundreds of thousands of workers who don’t qualify for the subsidy. The list includes workers who are under $100 threshold, workers who have self-certified that they lost their jobs due to COVID-19 pandemic.


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  • About 12% workers interested to work from office exclusively: Slack survey!

    About 12% workers interested to work from office exclusively: Slack survey!

    News by Editorial Team 16 Sep 2020

    According to the recent survey by workplace communication platform Slack, it was found that only 12% of global knowledge workers intended to go back to working exclusively from an office. Slack that had polled more than 9,000 self-identified ‘skilled office workers’ in the US, the UK, France, Germany, Japan, and Australia, had found about 72% workers wanted a combination of office-based work and remote work moving forward. More than 50% of respondents revealed their work-balance was better as a result of the shift to remote work.


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  • US communities come in aid save small businesses!

    US communities come in aid save small businesses!

    News by Editorial Team 15 Sep 2020

    In a recent development related to the grant aid, it was found that as Washington gridlock over extended relief for small businesses continues, cities, and local communities came to help. Cities like Akron, and Ohio offered grants through the CARES Act, others are offering equity finance. According to small business experts’ prediction, the probable loss of millions of small businesses over the next six months is an economic catastrophe of historic magnitude for the US economy.


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  • Deloitte's family leave policy comes with a catch!

    Deloitte's family leave policy comes with a catch!

    News by Editorial Team 15 Sep 2020

    According to a recently filed lawsuit, it was revealed that Deloitte’s 16 weeks of parental leave for its employees’ program has a ‘huge catch.’ The lawsuit revealed that if an employee takes the 16 weeks of leave offered by Deloitte to them, then that employee loses the right to return to their former position. According to one employee when she returned from her paternity leave, she realized that she was jobless. She was told that Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) only offers 12 weeks of job-protected leave.


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  • Amazon to recruit 100,000 more workers to keep pace with e-commerce demand!

    Amazon to recruit 100,000 more workers to keep pace with e-commerce demand!

    News by Editorial Team 15 Sep 2020

    In an internal announcement made by the e-commerce giant – Amazon – revealed that it plans to hire 100,000 more workers in order to keep pace with e-commerce demand that have increased amid the pandemic. This is the fourth hiring spree of the company that was announced for the US in 2020.  About 876,800 people have been hired by the Seattle-based organization as of June 30, 2020. The hiring spree excluded contractors and temporary personnel.


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  • Managers can report employees' COVID-19 infections with limitations: ADA

    Managers can report employees' COVID-19 infections with limitations: ADA

    News by Editorial Team 14 Sep 2020

    The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in its guidance document that was updated on 8 Sept, 2020, revealed that federal law does not prohibit any manager to report any worker with COVID-19 infections to company officials. The same will be revealed in order to take actions that are consistent with public health guidance. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) the employers are required to keep all the medical information of an employee confidential and that include information about an employee’s COVID-19 symptoms or diagnosis.


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  • AbbVie pressurizes employees to return to work amid safety concerns!

    AbbVie pressurizes employees to return to work amid safety concerns!

    News by Editorial Team 14 Sep 2020

    According to the email sent to all the employees, the global drug maker AbbVie has started asking the US-based teams to return to the office. In a letter, it was mentioned that company had told employees that working at the office is a critical part of their collaborative cross-functional culture. The employees feel pressured to come to into the office even while they don’t feel safe commuting to the office or working with colleagues in person.


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  • BLS: Aging boomers will slow labor force growth

    BLS: Aging boomers will slow labor force growth

    News by Editorial Team 14 Sep 2020

    According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predictions, labor force growth will slow with participation declining in the coming decades. BLS had predicted the same on 1 Sept, 2020 and revealed that the projected changes will be due in part to the fact that almost every member of the baby boomer generation will be over 65by 2029. While the projections forecasted a growth of six million jobs by 2029, BLS revealed that it expected a decline in labor force participation rate from 63.1% to 61.2%. However, the analysis did not include data relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.


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  • Circuit court rules out professor's complaint to the organization not a protected activity!

    Circuit court rules out professor's complaint to the organization not a protected activity!

    News by Editorial Team 11 Sep 2020

    According to the 5th Circuit rule, the complaint filed by a former university president alleging misconduct by the former employer to the organization that accredited the college wasn’t protected activity. The federal district court had ruled for the college on summary Judgment. The court also stated that Aguillard’s relationship with his successor at best was ‘contentious’ in one word.


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  • States start to issue an extra $300 weekly unemployment benefit!

    States start to issue an extra $300 weekly unemployment benefit!

    News by Editorial Team 11 Sep 2020

    About 20 states have either paid or will start issuing an extra $300 a week in unemployment benefits through the federal Lost Wages Assistance program. The states are Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas and Utah. An extra $600 a week provided by the CARES Act had ended in late July. 


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  • Old Navy decides to pay its employees who work at the polls on election!

    Old Navy decides to pay its employees who work at the polls on election!

    News by Editorial Team 11 Sep 2020

    According to the announcement made by Old Navy on 1 Sept, 2020, it has decided to pay its store employees for an eight-hour day if they work at polling stations on election day in November. The payment will be over and above whatever the participating employee will earn from their local jurisdiction for the day. The brand Old Navy has partnered with Power the Polls – a nonprofit advocacy group – and Civic Alliance – a nonpartisan business coalition – promoting participation in democracy to participate in national effort to hire 250, 000 new poll workers. 


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  • Federal judge vacates DOL's 'vertical' joint employment rule!

    Federal judge vacates DOL's 'vertical' joint employment rule!

    News by Editorial Team 10 Sep 2020

    In a recent ruling dated 8 Sept, 2020, a federal district court judge had blocked ‘vertical’ relationship portion of the US Department of Labor’s joint employment rule. The agency had narrowed the criteria for finding that separate employers can be jointly liable for Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) violations. In oppose to the rule, a group of states had sued, alleging, among other things, that the rule was inconsistent with the statute. The federal judge agreed, cancelling the ‘vertical’ portion of the rule, though the court has held ‘horizontal’ rule, which regulates situations where in an employee has a relationship with two associated employers.


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  • Amtrak passenger railroad needs up to $4.9 billion to avoid job cuts!

    Amtrak passenger railroad needs up to $4.9 billion to avoid job cuts!

    News by Editorial Team 10 Sep 2020

    William Flynn – Amtrak Chief Executive – told Congress that the US passenger railroad needs up to $4.9 billion in government funding in order to avoid service and job cuts, and address mounting losses. The company had asked for a further $1.475 billion bailout in May. This was post getting $1 billion from Congress in April. Amtrak typically receive $2 billion in annual government aid. Amtrak, last week, had announced that it would furlough more than 2,000 workers, or about 10% of its staff on 1st Oct, 2020. The move was announced due to a sharp decline in travel demand from the global pandemic.


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  • US 6th Circuit reversed ex-Ford employee's $15 million jury verdict!

    US 6th Circuit reversed ex-Ford employee's $15 million jury verdict!

    News by Editorial Team 10 Sep 2020

    The recent ruling by the 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals last month of multi-million-dollar jury verdict was reversed for the former engineer of automaker Ford who had alleged racial discrimination and retaliation. Michigan federal jury had ordered Ford to pay the ex-engineer $15 million in punitive damages in addition to $1.7 million in pension and retirement losses. However, the 6th Circuit stated that the district court had erred when it denied the defendant’s motion for summary judgement. It also said that it ‘insufficient evidence’ for the former engineer’s claims of hostile work environment. 


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  • Court resumes Facebook employee's suit as supervisor gets fired over racial remarks!

    Court resumes Facebook employee's suit as supervisor gets fired over racial remarks!

    News by Editorial Team 09 Sep 2020

    In a recent ruling, court has revived a Facebook employee’s race bias suit after the employee showed that supervisor who had declined his promotion was fired for racist comments. The employee had filed a lawsuit against the company when he realized that he was denied a promotion because of race bias. The court, earlier, had ruled out the case and even accepted Facebook’s assertion that the employee was not promoted because he lacked initiative and communication skills. However, on appeal, the 4th Circuit reversed its decision stating that the employee was denied promotion because of one supervisor, who upon investigation was found using racial slurs when talking about Black employees.


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  • Oilfield job losses from COVID-19 topped 100,000 in the US!

    Oilfield job losses from COVID-19 topped 100,000 in the US!

    News by Editorial Team 09 Sep 2020

    According to a report by trade group Petroleum Equipment & Services Association (PESA), released on Tuesday, it was stated that job losses in the oilfield services have topped 100,000 in the US in August. The number is despite some idled drilling projects that were resumed. As per the report there were about 121,000 oilfield jobs lost in the last 12 months and the employment in the US sector was at its lowest level since March 2017. The report also claimed that the bulk of the reported job loss have come since the onset of global pandemic.


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  • Infosys recruitment push includes individuals without STEM degree!

    Infosys recruitment push includes individuals without STEM degree!

    News by Editorial Team 09 Sep 2020

    In an internal memo, Infosys announced that it planned to hire 12,000 more US workers over the next two years, which would bring its total commitment to 25,000 over five years. The announcement also stated that individuals without traditional four-year degrees will also be a part of the recruitment drive. The announcement was made on 1 Sept, 2020. The announcement also stated that as part of the hiring program, Infosys will train and reskill the news hires as well through its Reskill and Restart initiative that was launched in July. 


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  • Payrolls surge by 1.37 million as unemployment rates drop!

    Payrolls surge by 1.37 million as unemployment rates drop!

    News by Editorial Team 07 Sep 2020

    According to the figures released by Labor Department released on Friday, there has been a surge in nonfarm payrolls by 1.37 million in August. Dow Jones had estimated a surge of 1.32 million. In addition, the unemployment rates dropped to about 8.4% from 10.2% in July. The drop was below the expectations of 9.8%.  It is speculated that government hiring had led the way and the gains had also come in retail, education, and health services.


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