Little is left to the imagination, especially when someone is caught red-handed, exploiting company-benefits. Employees at Canadian Tire were made to rue their actions as they were found reimbursing used receipts, left over by passengers. The company-HR, took a bold step when they fired the staff, following years of service, without pay. Yet, their stand was vindicated as the courts ruled in their favor.
PayPal just bought iZettle, to gain ground in the online payments space in Europe. The latter, who had plans for an upcoming-IPO at NASDAQ, will continue to make the most of its current CEO Jacob de Geer. Although rumors of a corporate tie-up had surfaced a lot in the last few years, the communion awaited Jacob’s approval, who was insistent on the company cultures, complementing each other.
Nope, that wasn’t a job advertisement but the way, Wan Long, CEO of WH Group $291 million last year. His KRAs – turning a state-owned, meat processing business into a Global Pork Brand. The company chair has made it his habit of turning meat into gold. For the record, Wan earned three-quarters of a billion in compensation from 2013 to 2017.
It’s fascinating to see that a tech-giant like IBM, should take so long to introduce a ban on removable devices, while others have already cut their cords with the subject. Still, the management has decreed. May, shall see IBM employees globally, ceasing the use of USB(s) at the workplace. Instead, the transfer of data will now be channeled through intra-office networks.
The tech-giant stunned everybody at this year’s I/O Conference with its Duplex bot, AI that has the capability to mimic the human voice. Yes, to some the prospect is terrifying, which is why the listeners will be alerted whenever Duplex makes the call. While such an advance is welcomed to facilitate lifestyle-convenience, skeptics might ask – in a Dystopian world, what’s stopping Google from skipping the bot-alert to accomplish its call agenda?
The government, led by its daring new King, will impose fines worth $2,667 on employers if the latter is found exploiting its non-Saudi employee base. Under the new changes, companies will be deemed “punishable”, if found holding-back foreign worker passports. In addition to that, forcing the same cohort to perform duties other than those listed on the work permit, will invite further sanctions.
Such were the perils of Lara Taouktsi, who worked at Lorenz & Z Furniture (Ontario) for 3-years without regular wages. When she mustered the guts to ask for her dues, the director of the company hailed abuses at her, at which point Lara turned to the authorities. Though the case is settled, it pays to think, how long would you be willing to work without getting paid?
The company which is too big to fail has been staring the ground for some time. Riding a disappointing fleet of unprofitable years, the company-turning-corporate-megalith has decided to do away with 13,000 positions. BT CEO, Gavin Patterson, did a poor job in justifying the drive by pointing at presumptive annual savings of $2 Billion by 2021, appeasing public outrage by little.
With little over a week gone, Facebook has found the brains to walk in the abled footprints of ex-WhatsApp CEO, Jan Koum. Chris Daniels, who has been developing the company’s product offering at, is the “special one”. Not reading too much between the lines, Chris would be expected to widen the chat service’ market share internationally, beyond Brazil & India, countries with the most WhatsApp users.
The company review website, Glassdoor, has decided to accept an all-cash payment of the amount, from the Oriental conglomerate as its price-tag. The acquisition reflects Recruit’s desire to add to its corporate solutions portfolio, a catalog of services capped at $39 Billion. Glassdoor’s CEO, Robert Hohman emphasized that future efforts would see the company maintain its fabric on such linear-lines, that it had till now.
The online Supermarket which circumvents distribution channels to deliver directly to consumers does so with the help of automation. But for a few engineers, without which its operations would come to halt, the machines manage the bulk-load of orders which could go up to 65,000 in a week. Ocado’s facility is said to house as much as 1,100 robots under one roof.
The former has taken a step towards introducing reforms, in regards to the Indonesian maids employed in Singapore. As per the action plan, those opting for some Indonesian help would be required to pay performance bonds of up to $6,000, as per the Indonesian Embassy. Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower, however, maintains that the country already has sufficing employee right mechanisms to ensure a justified pay.
As per the CEO’s latest message, third party contractors who have failed to establish confidence in company employees will cut-loose. As per the move’s proponent, it would demarcate those vendors who have been successfully meeting production standards, from the rest. Although falling stock-prize alerts for Tesla are commonplace, yet the company is under heavy fire to show results, following a disastrous conference call.
The company’s board, as per a German publication, is weighing options to confiscate the property of its former CEO, Martin Winterkorn. The troubled car maker’s internal inquiry could turn to Martin’s long loved possessions, to recover a fraction of its $20 Billion worth of fines, paid to Government Authorities. Last week, a formal investigation indicted Martin, along with five other company executives.
Liam Condon, who has been an integral part of Bayer’s Animal Health unit, will be the one to lead the Crop Science team. The announcement will materialize as soon as Bayer concludes its acquisition of Monsanto. Liam will have the assistance of the divisions’ new COO Brett Begemann along with other veterans such as Dr. Michael Stern & Robert Reiter to name a few.
The relationship of Drew Vollero, company CFO, and the Snapchat board has snapped. Drew, who was the first in the business’ line to foresee the company’s finances, as its CFO will be replaced by an experienced Amazon honcho, Tim Stone. Plummeting stock prices on the Wall Street and increasing competition from Facebook had cornered Snapchat to move the needle on the issue.
There’s enough literature to be found on Employee Engagement and its effectiveness, yet few adaptors. Perhaps this would help the cause. Women employees at Nike, who for long had been the subject of internally circulating sexual innuendos decided to shape their plight through a female-only survey. The result (once furnished to the CEO) – 6 high-profile male exits within the last one month.
The “Bicycle Commuter Act”, which allowed $20 worth of monthly qualified expenses has seen the sun set on itself for the last time. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has put a stop to the benefit until the year 2026. Yet, despite the issues legality, there are a few employer(s) who’ve committed to continue the reimbursements for their people.
The Supreme Court of California, with its decision, might have put a dent deep into the pockets of the state’s employers. On Monday, the court decreed gig workers be categorized as employees if they perform usual business operations and the employer has “control over them”. The ruling shall take a 20-30 percent bite into the profits of the companies, who then may pass on the costs to the consumers.
The National Institutes of Health have unveiled their plan to gather genetic information of a million people over the next decade. The scientific community, eager to utilize medical-advances for ethnic as well as sexual minorities, will strive to innovate precise medication as per the demographic. The due laurels of the program are to be showered on the Obama administration, which proposed the same in 2015.
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