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  • Alstom announces big scale-up in bengaluru

    Alstom announces big scale-up in bengaluru

    News by Editorial Team 12 Jul 2017

    French engineering conglomerate Alstom has announced that it plans to increase its headcount by 700, making it to a total of 2500 in the current year. Alstom’s Bengaluru operations handles its entire engineering operations in India, South East Asia, Middle East and Australia. Focused on creating a gender diverse workforce, hiring women is also expected to be a major area of focus.


    Read more at The Economic Times


    News by Editorial Team 01 Jan 1900

    Investment Banking has always been considered a man’s game. A cliché that has held sway over multiple generations in most countries across the world. But an unlikely candidate has finally broken the mold. Malaysia, with a majority muslim population, has more number of women chiefs in its national investment banks than men, it was recently reported. Besides, these also include women heads in major financial corporations operating in the country including Credit Suisse and Rothschild. This is the biggest breakthrough in an industry that has a staggering 95% male population in top positions worldwide.


    Read more at Bloomberg

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