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  • HR feels 'overcommitted' with 2020 talent expectations!

    HR feels 'overcommitted' with 2020 talent expectations!

    News by Editorial Team 28 Jan 2020

    According to The Hackett Group’s Annual Key Issues Study, the top goal for HR in 2020 is to drive organizations’ performance and growth while navigating the digital transformation and this has left HR feeling ‘overcommitted’ under the rising expectations. The report emphasized talent management and development along with addressing skills gap were the top HR priorities in 2020, the sectors are also the critical development areas for HR departments, inferring requirements might be needed in the said areas.


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  • Employees suffer loneliness in their jobs – Cigna!

    Employees suffer loneliness in their jobs – Cigna!

    News by Editorial Team 28 Jan 2020

    In the latest nationwide Cigna study dated 23 January 2020 revealed that about 61% of the employees suffer from loneliness in their jobs. According to the report, the number is up from 54% in 2018. The study also emphasized the most afflicted by loneliness were Gen Z, entry-level and senior-level employees, telecommuters and Gig workers. The study revealed that the 2020 Loneliness Index also indicated the fact about lonely workers taking double the number of sick leaves, missing the workdays five times more due to stress as compared to their non-lonely workers.


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  • Align business strategy with talent to increase retention!

    Align business strategy with talent to increase retention!

    News by Editorial Team 27 Jan 2020

    According to The Predictive Index's State of Talent Optimization Report, aligning talent with business strategy could significantly increase retention, performance and company competitiveness. The report featured a study of about 600 executives including 200 CEOs and revealed alignment between talent and performance yields almost 90% strategic success rate for businesses. The report also highlighted the lack of talent strategy (at about 36%) and only a handful at about 12% of them aligned it with business strategy. The report featured other important facts as well, an organization should take notice – as talent retention is the topmost concern with most of the companies.


    Read more at HRDIVE
  • Improve employee experience to accelerate retention!

    Improve employee experience to accelerate retention!

    News by Editorial Team 27 Jan 2020

    In a recent survey by LinkedIn dated 21 January 2020, a majority of leaders about 96% of talent leaders felt improving the employee experience would become more important for organizations to retain their talent and grow their bottom line as well. The report emphasized the need for an active collaboration by listening to employees and initiating the change of their behalf. The report surveyed about 7,000 talented leaders and only about 52% of them responded in an affirmation about their organization offering positive employee experience to their workforce.


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  • Goldman Sachs insists one diverse member on board before going public

    Goldman Sachs insists one diverse member on board before going public

    News by Editorial Team 24 Jan 2020

    In a recent development, Goldman Sachs’ Chief Executive David Solomon said on 23rd January 2020 from 30 June Goldman Sachs Group Inc., would only help the companies go public if there is at least one diverse board member. The policy would currently apply to the US and European companies and would increase over time, with the Bank requiring two diverse board members from June 2021. While Solomon didn’t define what did the company mean by ‘diverse’ candidates but informed that focus is on women.


    Read more at Reuters
  • Pay equity issues to be in forefront in 2020

    Pay equity issues to be in forefront in 2020

    News by Editorial Team 24 Jan 2020

    According to a Payscale Inc. report dated 22 January 2020, it was found transparent pay policies did neutralize some of the gender pay disparity between men and women working on the same positions across majority of jobs. The report revealed even while working on the same projects in the same geographic location, women still earned 98 cents for every dollar a man earned in that position. It also reported millennial women were doing better in terms of compensation at ($1.02) as compared to the women of other generations.


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  • Gender diversity is the new goal for organizations in 2020

    Gender diversity is the new goal for organizations in 2020

    News by Editorial Team 24 Jan 2020

    As per Bloomberg’s Gender-Equality Index, about 39% of organizations have public targets to increase women's leadership. According to the announcement dated 21 January 2020 about 16% of firms have shared their plans to bridge the pay gap. The employers listed in the index include PayPal, Gap, Chipotle, among others. Interestingly, while 2020 was the first time Bloomberg tracked organizations that went public with their plans, it is believed the number of the firms on the list has increased from 230 in 2019 to 325 in 2020.


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  • McDonald's launches an pp for employees' education benefits!

    McDonald's launches an pp for employees' education benefits!

    News by Editorial Team 23 Jan 2020

    McDonald’s announced the launch of its new mobile app on 22 January 2020. The mobile app would allow its employees to ‘maximize education benefits and take the next step in their professional journey,’ revealed the proclamation. The mobile app launch is the latest development in the learning space McDonald’s has started previously.  According to the announcement, the app that has been created in an association with the ‘Council for Adult and Experiential Learning’ and Inside Track advisors, would serve as a career-advancing tool for employees.


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  • Talent crunch hit new heights globally in the last decade!

    Talent crunch hit new heights globally in the last decade!

    News by Editorial Team 23 Jan 2020

    According to a survey report released by ManpowerGroup dated 17, January 2020 the global talent shortages have doubled up in the past decade. The report discovered that about 54% of the international businesses reported severe skill shortages and extreme difficulty in attracting talent in 2019 as compared to 2018.  The report also found out about Gen Z’s preference for money and career development; women gave double the importance of salary as skills development while men treated skill development on par with money. As Jonas Prising, Chairman & CEO ManpowerGroup said in the release, “Creating shareholder value can only be done in conjunction with taking care of employees, customers, and communities, so listening to the voice of the consumer is key."


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  • Workers' tech knowledge gaps are risky!

    Workers' tech knowledge gaps are risky!

    News by Editorial Team 23 Jan 2020

    The statement released by GetApp dated 22, January 2020, revealed some disturbing facts prominent in the workplace. The statement revealed employees are unprepared for data breaches and the emergence of AI. The study revealed employees need proper training to embrace AI in their daily business practice. It also emphasized the number of employees, which was just slightly more than half of the employees who had formal security training. The study concluded with the note that going forward HR needs to take more initiative in offering proper training to the employees.


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  • PepsiCo launches 'passport to success' program for employees!

    PepsiCo launches 'passport to success' program for employees!

    News by Editorial Team 22 Jan 2020

    In a recent announcement by PepsiCo dated 16 January 2020, the company announced the launch of an online program ‘gender-smart’. The program is aimed at equipping prospective candidates with ‘work readiness skills.’ According to the proclamation, the skills covered in the program would include skills like conflict management, communication, critical and creative thinking – that are a must-have in today’s corporate world. The declaration also revealed that the program also aims to support young women by featuring scenarios with women in different roles and responsibilities.


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  • Hourly personnel unaware of W-2 & 1099 worker classification distinctions!

    Hourly personnel unaware of W-2 & 1099 worker classification distinctions!

    News by Editorial Team 22 Jan 2020

    According to recent research from the on-demand staffing technology platform, Bluecrew revealed that almost 57% of the hourly employees surveyed informed that they didn’t understand the difference between W-2 and 1099 Workers. The research further revealed that hourly workers neither knew nor could identify the benefits entitled to independent workers. Further the study, also revealed that about 84% of the independent workers informed that common worker protections and benefits were either more important than flexibility or equally important. 


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  • Nationwide announces $160M investment in future of work

    Nationwide announces $160M investment in future of work

    News by Editorial Team 22 Jan 2020

    The recent statement released by Nationwide dated 13 January 2020, revealed that the organization would be investing about $160M in the Future of Work. The statement revealed that the organization would spend the said amount during the course of five years and plans to offer all its 28,000 US employees digital literacy and ‘future capabilities’ training. According to the statement, each employee would receive a personalized curriculum, business unit-specific learning opportunities, and a targeted career path. 


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  • Delta pays $1.6 billion in profit sharing bonuses to employees

    Delta pays $1.6 billion in profit sharing bonuses to employees

    News by Editorial Team 21 Jan 2020

    Delta Airlines enjoyed a successful 2019 and instead of offering verbal thanks to its employees, the company announced $1.6 Billion in profit-sharing bonuses for its employees. According to the Delta spokesperson, the profit payout to employees for 2019 is a record amount but at the same time, it is the sixth year in a row that the company would be paying out more than $1 Billion to employees. Delta CEO Ed Bastian on LinkedIn said, "Delta would be nothing without our 90,000 people. They deserve all the credit." Profit-sharing is one of the ways to reduce turnovers and increase employee retention rates.


    Read more at CNN
  • Federal lawmakers put forward bill for pregnant women's accommodation

    Federal lawmakers put forward bill for pregnant women's accommodation

    News by Editorial Team 21 Jan 2020

    In a recent development, the Federal Lawmakers have put forward across a bill dated 14 January 2020, which would create additional protections for pregnant employees. The bill H.R. 2694 has now moved to the House floor for a vote and would require private-sector employers with 15 or more employees along with public sector employees to ensure reasonable accommodations for pregnant job applicants and other candidates with known limitations related to childbirth.


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  • Global unemployment to rise first time in a decade: UN report

    Global unemployment to rise first time in a decade: UN report

    News by Editorial Team 21 Jan 2020

    The latest report by the United Nations has revealed some disturbing facts related to global employment. The report revealed that about half a billion people globally struggled to find adequate paid work, which resulted in individuals trapped in poverty and fueled increased levels of inequality. According to the UN’s International Labor Organization (ILO), more than 473 million people globally lacked enough employment opportunities to meet their needs. The agency also pointed out that global unemployment would rise for the first time in a decade,  as weaker levels of economic growth globally have led to an increase in the number of unemployed individuals by about 2.5 million. 


    Read more at The Guardian
  • Lies on resume are not uncommon: a survey

    Lies on resume are not uncommon: a survey

    News by Editorial Team 20 Jan 2020

    According to a new ResumeLab Survey, about 36% of Americans have lied on their resume. The reasons cited for dishonesty included lack of experience or long-term employment. The survey also reported that among those who were caught lying on their resumes, about 65% of those candidates were either not hired or fired. The survey report also featured a few other reasons for lying on the resume including lies related to skills and job duties. The findings also reported that men in the age group of 18 and 39 were more likely to lie as compared to their women counterparts.


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  • Mismatched skills lead to hidden tax on the global economy

    Mismatched skills lead to hidden tax on the global economy

    News by Editorial Team 20 Jan 2020

    In a recent report by Boston Consulting Group dated January 15, 2020, it was reported that global skill mismatch was imposing about 6% of the annual tax on the global economy. The tax was imposed in the form of lost labor productivity. The report stated that the rate at which the skills became obsolete was part of the problem. The result was reskilling and upskilling with employers revisiting their talent strategies to bridge the skills gap. The report also emphasized the need to create a balance between buying and building talent.


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  • Execs seek clues to forge trust in employees!

    Execs seek clues to forge trust in employees!

    News by Editorial Team 17 Jan 2020

    The latest survey by New YPO Global Pulse Survey report dated January 14, 2020, stated that about 96% of young chief executives believe that trust is critical but they don’t have a clue how to build on it and then maintain it. The survey also listed that about 42% of respondents believed that in the last five years the importance of building trust with the stakeholders of the organization has increased significantly. The report also revealed that about 40% of executives found it easy to build and maintain trust with their employees, while about 60% of respondents shared that they were yet to measure employee trust within the organization.


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  • Indeed to expand its skills assessment tool in job advertisements!

    Indeed to expand its skills assessment tool in job advertisements!

    News by Editorial Team 17 Jan 2020

    In a recent announcement by the leading job portal Indeed, dated January 16, 2020, it was stated that the company is expanding its Indeed Assessment Tool, which would allow employers to add two skills tests to their job postings. Currently, the feature would be rolled out to the US employers and would be free to use. According to the survey, it was found that about 41% of candidates admitted that their education doesn’t match their work profile. The survey also revealed another finding that about 55% of recruiters felt that the resumes of applying candidates fail to enlist their skills.


    Read more at HRDIVE

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