James Long, who was videoed dragging a passenger in the airplane aisle and fired, after the fact, has now moved to the courts. The lawsuit names United Airlines, the Chicago Department of Aviation (CDA) and its commissioner Ginger Evans. Long, will be taking the stand on the lines, that if he had been trained for such a drastic situation beforehand, the outcome would’ve been otherwise.
Players like Starbucks, Intel, Adobe & Salesforce, to name a few, have outdone others in terms of implementing pay parity for all. Recent numbers suggested that women, in the land of opportunities, earned $0.80 against a $1 for male counterparts. On the occasion of Equal Pay Day, leaders have their tasks cut out to introspect on bringing women & racial minorities at par with the rest.
NYC Councilman, Rafael Espinal has come to the rescue of those employees who are nagged by their bosses to keep a check on emails from home. On Thursday, Rafael introduced a bill that seeks to penalize employers (financially) and empower the workforce with what is being called, the “right to disconnect.” The inspiration for the same is being sourced to a 2017 French law of the s
Coming on the back of a deadly scandal that involved a breach of trust, arguably, there’s no end to Facebook’s worries, it seems. Reportedly, the company’s HR-units are about to get their hands full of succession planning deliverables, let alone a ton load of internal transfer requests. The source of this rising clamor, has been traced to the product team linked with the data leak.&
One of the giants of the FTSE pantheon, WPP plc has confirmed Sir Martin Sorrell’s stepping down as the CEO. The industry veteran who’d spent 33 years propelling the business to the heights that it enjoys today, was hallowed by investigations of financial misappropriations. Sir Martin will be treated as a retired employee who’d maintain his contractual-withstanding with the company.
The coffee-maker will be pulling the shutters down on its outlets on May 29 to conduct a massive nationwide training for the employees. The workforce will be educated regarding the preventive penicillin against Racial Bias, an issue which seems to have stung the brand. The pro-active measures are being hurried into place following the arrest of two African-American men at one of its locations in Phi
The online Supermarket which circumvents distribution channels to deliver directly to consumers does so with the help of automation. But for a few engineers, without which its operations would come to halt, the machines manage the bulk-load of orders which could go up to 65,000 in a week. Ocado’s facility is said to house as much as 1,100 robots under one ro
The survey that covered 75 markets & conducted by Manpower Group Solutions has ranked various geographies based on factors that ease business operability. The front-runners on the list were New Zealand, Hong Kong & Singapore. Singapore Pipped Hong Kong to be no. 1 in Asia Pacific. The sites were judged on the parameters of workforce skills, labor regulation & productivity.
Streets laden with CCTV, AI-powered real-time surveillance insights and mandatory face scans to buy toilet paper. To this array of nerve-wracking supervisory controls, scientists have added an emotional surveillance technology, just in case. Once functional, the tech would be capable of detecting employee behaviors even sending people off-work, if required.
Yet another “to-do” needs to be added to the KRAs of salesmen in the car-industry according to Jackson, who still experiences sexism in the sales pitches. The flamboyant CEO, who has record numbers to boast of with Citreon Sales, was quoted as saying “they just turn to your male partner” for pitching. She states that such visits come in handy, to see where the competition stands.
Such were the perils of Lara Taouktsi, who worked at Lorenz & Z Furniture (Ontario) for 3-years without regular wages. When she mustered the guts to ask for her dues, the director of the company hailed abuses at her, at which point Lara turned to the authorities. Though the case is settled, it pays to think, how long would you be willing to work without getting paid?
Call it the power struggle or damage control, but Herbert Diess has succeeded in claiming the throne of Volkswagen to his name. The veteran, who will succeed Mathias Mueller, is keen on reinstating stakeholder-interests, coming on the back of their diesel emission scandal. When only two months into VW, Mr. Diess provided a glimpse of his character, battling the labor union & saving the compa
A bold leadership, a comprehensive action, and an empowering environment. While such keywords would churn you blogs aplenty on a single Google search, effectuating their presence at the workplace would guarantee happier employers. Almost. This as per an Accenture report which surveyed 22,000 working men & women. The same shall be on the agenda of Accenture’s soon to be held IWD Event.
Turns out that the staff-cuts which were performed keeping in mind future savings have caused a dent on the pocket of the council. Audit New Zealand is now being asked to interfere to fact check the final settlements, some of which were tagged confidential. As per the council’s annual filing, so far $12.5 million was spent to eradicate redundancies.
The World Bank had recently released its customary economic report on Asia. The numbers, which overall spoke of business-as-usual statistics, particularly pointed to the trouble looming the Korean region. The data is upfront about devastating futuristic outcomes which could have serious repercussions for major world economies.
The company which is too big to fail has been staring the ground for some time. Riding a disappointing fleet of unprofitable years, the company-turning-corporate-megalith has decided to do away with 13,000 positions. BT CEO, Gavin Patterson, did a poor job in justifying the drive by pointing at presumptive annual savings of $2 Billion by 2021, appeasing public outrage by little.
The latest decree by King Salman is set to introduce a major change in the country’s labor market. A set of job profiles, which was previously prohibited for women, is being reopened, in-effect from June 2018. This would see a flux of 80,000 new female employees finding workable opportunities, provided they meet a few educational pre-requisites.
The current Chief Information officer of Mercer, Gail Evans, is one who leads by example. Back in the day, she changed her life from being a janitor at Eastman Kodak to being their CTO, thanks to her love of technology. An inspiration to many, she has carved a niche for herself contributing to the success of global giants like HP, Microsoft, and Bank of America.
In a breakthrough development, Microsoft has claimed that its Artificial Intelligence is capable of translating Chinese as good as the humans. The trick, say, experts, lay in the training mechanism adopting for the AI. Deep neural networks contributed greatly in reaching the milestone, which other algorithmic-translators fail at. With the machines adapting naturally to such human-like capabilities, one can only speculate of the impossible, which be accomplished.
Startups and corporations with ambitions of a Singapore-based, easy-on-the-rules company structure are now having to rethink their strategy. The country’s Ministry-of-Manpower has decided to tighten the strings around the expat-deployment. The new measures will make hiring expats costlier than before. Many skeptics have pounced on the opportunity to point fingers at the government, who they say is increasing its protectionist agenda.
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